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Overcomers of Placenta Accreta ( Hope for Accreta Foundation)

A video commemorating some of the survivors of Placenta Accreta. Slideshow credit: Gina Walker- Hope for Accreta Foundation  An updated version with new survivors and a tribute to the babies we've lost.
Recent posts

It's so good to be home!

The past 2.5 weeks home have been great! I'm tired and get sore easily but nothing like snuggling your children and cuddling up in your big, comfy bed.  Elias, our 19 month old, didn't remember me when I walked through the door. Actually he didn't warm up to me until a week and half later :( . Poor little guy. About 4 days ago he crawled up on my lap and snuggled with me. Something he used to do before I left. It filled my heart with joy. I've missed him.  Gabriel is doing great! Eating every 2-2.5 hrs ...not so great in the middle of the night but he's thriving! His discharge weight was 5lbs 8oz, 4 days later he was 6lbs 2oz! 10 days after that he weighed 7lbs 4oz and 19.25" (he was 18.5"). All from momma's Dairy Queen :) He's doing amazing. So proud of our little guy :) Elias loves giving his little brother kisses and hugs. At first Elias was a bit freaked by his brother's noises. He would observe him from a distances and just stare at him. T

A bump in the road

Well more like a huge thud! We hit a deer 2.5 hrs from home :( . After emotions ran high and the shock subsided, Roger and I prayed. We prayed The Lord would lead us to a garage. We needed help pulling the gender off our tire. So we noisily crawled to a garage 3 miles away. A gentlemen by the name of Clayton, from Clayton's Garage, stood in silence as he looked my husband up and down. Clayton is very much a country man, maybe even a mountain man. He's had 5 wives, 6 children and 12 grandchildren. He proceeded to tell us how he became an alcoholic and compulsive smoker...which is how he looked so young for 59 ;) . He hooked the fender guard up to a winch and pulled. Thankfully that was all that needed done, immediately. Now the other damage...well, we see an insurance adjuster Friday for the other stuff. 

Reflections from the last 8 weeks

Galveston, TX Pavilion for Women Texas Childrens The day after Easter when I was admitted for preterm labor. My Iron Man Emergency surgery 5/8/14. The team was assembling. PAIN! But alive! First time holding Gabriel First night without the NICU, a hotel on the way home.

Going home!

For the first time, our son has breathed the outside air. We are going HOME! Gabriel is a mighty 18 days old, 35.6 wks gestation. Weighing in at 5lbs 9oz and 19" long. I plan on getting a post put together of all our answered prayers. Of all the ways The Lord has so obviously taken the lead in this uncertain journey.  I'm so humbled by all the support and prayers from people all over. In the past 3 months my blog has gotten over 3500 views. My journey through Accreta has a purpose. Loosing my uterus has a purpose, the trials, the uncertainties, the joys of overcoming such a condition as Percreta has a purpose. It's all for the Lord's glory. He's big, He's here and His plan for my condition is not over. I have a story to tell of how faithful, merciful, patient and loving our God is. When I had nothing else to give, no more energy to research, no more tears to cry over leaving my children, I had no choice but to surrender. No choice but to crawl into the

What belly button?

Not sure I'll have a recognizable belly button after the healing but honestly I'm surprised my incision turned out as nice as it did :)  When I was told I would have an incision from above my belly button to below my  pubic bone I was thinking I'm going to have this massive purple line down my belly. I've only ever seen "key hole" incision, where they cut around the belly button. I was pleasantly surprised my dr went through mine. But I will miss my belly button...never thought I'd say that in my lifetime :) Here's part of my incision (it's not as crocked as it looks in the pic ;) ): Here it is untouched :) Good bye flawless belly, hello warrior scar :) 

Missing home

Toddlers grow so fast. When I left, just under 8 weeks ago, Elias (18months) could only say a few words and call me momma, he couldn't climb on the couch or see over the table. Now. He's talking in full sentences, can see very well over the kitchen table...and grab stuff that is close by ;) climbing up down from the couch and stairs. When the kids FaceTime me, if he hears my voice he'll come running and saying "hi, mommy!!!" And proceed to tell me about what's on his mind :). My girls's hair is so long. They are maturing at an alarming rate. Even their choice of words, how they carry themselves, their voices are so wise and mature. My 13 yr old will soon be mistaken as my sister, like Chelsea (my 20 yr old) so often is ;) . My kids need their momma. It's been next to an eternity since I've seen them or so it seems and to my 3 yr old and 18 month old, it most certainly has been an eternity. My sweet Eva, who is 3, can get dressed, go to the bathroom